Tremec Wide Ratio Magnum 6-speed for GM TUET11012

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Tremec Wide Ratio T56 Magnum for GM. Need a full kit for your car? Hit the Request for Quote button to get a quote on a full installation kit. Some muscle cars will require tunnel mods to fit. Give us call and we can guide you through the fitment process. 

Each MAGNUM is shipped with our exclusive transmission seal protector and install tool! -Click here to learn more



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If you don't know what you need, call our technical sales staff at 931-646-4836


MAGNUM 6-Speed for GM, 26-spline input, wide ratio, 2.97, 2.10, 1.46, 1:1, .74, .50 WIDE RATIO VERSION great for everyday street use. 

The kingpin of TREMEC’s high performance line-up, the all-new T-56 Magnum double-overdrive 6-speed transmission takes the very best from TREMEC’s current OEM technologies and pairs it with the most popular features of the all-business TKO 5-speed. Able to withstand a massive 700 lb-ft. of torque while providing unbelievably crisp shifts, no other manual transmission on the planet offers as much combined strength, versatility, and general ease of use as the new T-56 Magnum.

Known in its O.E. form as the ‘TR-6060’, the Magnum is an aftermarket version of the same transmission found in many of today’s most celebrated factory super cars including the ZR1 Corvette and sinister ACR Viper. A world-class transmission in every respect, it’s the best transmission on the market for those who will accept nothing less!

700 lb-ft. of torque capacity
Reasonably light at 135 lbs. dry
Multiple shifter locations & dual speedo pickups for unmatched versatility
Choice of two different gear ratio sets (2.66 or 2.97), with unique double overdrive ratios
Incredibly short, extremely low-effort shift throws, with crisp, precise engagement
Modern OE supercar technology for the ultimate pro-tourers, road-racers, and more.
Comes with American Powertrain’s exclusive 2-year warranty 

If you don't know what you need, call our technical sales staff at 931-646-4836