Now until the end of Oct get a free t-shirt and a free case of Tremec HP-MTF oil with purchase of any 5 or 6-speed conversion system. Plus we will match or beat any competitive quote. Phone in orders only! 931-646-4836
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Vehicle Information
Please provide your vehicle information that you plan to purchase and install American Powertrain products
We encourage you to provide accurate vehicle information to assist in an accurate quote.
If you need help, call us or use our Speed Analyzer.
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I saw your products and add in the Hot Rod Magazine and I’m asking if you have any stickers for our garage wall. We have street machines and would like to show your products. Please send any stickers you have to:
Darlene Kittle
3255 Linn Rd
Williamston MI 48895
If you have a charge for these I will gladly send you a check. Thank you very much!
You can get all of our apparel and decals right here…https://americanpowertrain.com/product-category/gear-and-apparel/
thank you