Memorial Day Sale

Our biggest sale yet!! Get $300 off any 5 or 6 speed Pro-Fit kit with transmission* now till June 20th 2022! We also have discounts for veterans. Phone in orders only. Give us a call at 931-646-4836 or fill out our Request for quote below to get a quick custom quote for your project.

*Transmission must be included in the order to get the discount.

Request A Quote

Quote page

  • Contact Information

    Please provide us your contact information so we can best reach you.
  • Shipping Information

    To prepare an accurate quote including shipping, we require the expected shipping address.
  • Vehicle Information

    Please provide your vehicle information that you plan to purchase and install American Powertrain products We encourage you to provide accurate vehicle information to assist in an accurate quote. If you need help, call us or use our Speed Analyzer.
  • Please enter a number from 10 to 99.
  • Select the type of transmission for your project
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